What Are Metal Detectable O-Rings & How Are They Used? 

Pile of O-Rings on a White Background

Metal-detectable O-rings are a key tool in industries like food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and electronics manufacturing. EZ-Coating explains how these parts prevent contamination by metal particles and the industries in which they’re used.  What Are Metal-Detectable O-rings?  A metal-detectable O-ring is a sealing ring commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. These O-rings are […]

A Guide: What’s the Best Lubricant for O-rings? 

Rubber O-rings stacked together

Coatings and lubricants can increase the life of your O-rings and boost their performance. But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the best lubricant for your O-rings.  EZ Coating knows choosing a suitable lubricant is crucial for your application’s success.  Finding the Right Lubricant Selecting the appropriate lubricant for […]

Understanding O-Ring Coatings for Extreme Environments

Industrial Pipes Fitted Together

Industrial O-rings must withstand extreme environments in some applications. Oil derricks in the middle of the ocean need O-rings to perform in underwater pressures and temperatures. Aerospace companies need O-rings to stay sealed in an environment where temperatures and pressures can change quickly as engines get hot while the outside conditions are frigid. O-rings for […]

5 Common Uses for O-Ring Coatings for Equipment

O-ring for a faucet on someone’s finger

O-rings are everywhere. They are in faucets, medical equipment, cars, and equipment. When they work well, parts move easily, and liquid flows properly. When O-rings break or don’t perform their functions adequately, everything grinds to a halt. Take a look at five common uses for O-rings on various types of equipment. 1. Turbocharged Engines O-rings […]